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                Current position:HOME > About > Company Profile

                Company Profile

                COMPANY PROFILE

                Zhejiang GELAN Electric Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise integrating R&D, production and sales. Formerly known as Jiaxing Grand Electric Co., Ltd., it was established in 1997 in the hinterland of the Yangtze River Delta; Jiaxing, Zhejiang, adjacent to Shanghai-Hangzhou Expressway and Shanghai-Hangzhou high-speed railway, with convenient transportation. The company occupies more than 60 acres, with a construction area of 60,000 square meters, mainly engaged in research and development and production of wall switches, heater switches, integrated electrical appliances. The company has passed ISO9001--2000 quality system certification, 3C certification, has more than 100 patent technologies, more than 10,000 sales outlets with strong comprehensive strength, the company has won the "China famous brand", "the best model of customer satisfaction in the national switch industry" Brand, "National Conformity Assessment Quality Trustworthy Product" and other honors. With the support of our customers and partners, after 15 years of continuous development, it has become a leader in the domestic electrical and electronic industry. The company has always adhered to the business philosophy of "creating value for customers, building platforms for employees, growing together with partners, and sharing responsibility for the society". We are committed to building the GELAN brand and spreading the GELAN culture. To achieve the 100-year goal of the "GELAN" brand, we will Unremitting efforts and unwavering commitment.


                ENTERPRISE VIDEO


                GELAN CULTURE

                • Corporate Vision

                  Improve the electricity environment

                • Corporate Mission

                  Provide customers with safe, environmentally friendly and intelligent home electrical solutions

                • Enterprise spirit

                  Honesty, harmony, modesty, innovation

                • Business philosophy

                  Create value for customers, build platforms for employees, and grow together with partners to share responsibility for society

                • Brand Value

                  GELAN Electric, China Wisdom


                GELAN HONOR

                The company has passed ISO9001--2000 quality system certification and 3C certification. It has more than 100 patented technologies and more than 500 sales outlets. With its comprehensive strength, the company has won the "China Famous Brand" and "The Best Model of Customer Satisfaction in the Switch Industry". Brand, "National Conformity Assessment Quality Trustworthy Product" and other honors.


                Fax:0086-573-83250880 Service Hotline:0086-573-83250886 83250887 Free Service Hotline:400-008-7727 E-mail:gelancn@126.com Address:No. 459, Qingyuan Road, Wangdian Town, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province
                Follow us

                Zhejiang GeLan Electric Co., Ltd.


